The EAACI Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Taskforce is conducting a new survey for healthcare professionals managing AYA with Allergies and Asthma. The survey aims to better understand adolescent transition care across Europe and identify potential areas for improvement.

We would like to request your support by disseminating the survey through your National Allergy Society members, for instance by email or social media. Your support would be most valuable to have a good representation of practice across Europe.

The survey will be open from 19th of May until 12th June 23 , and it should take 10 minutes to complete.

English, German, French, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish and Russian versions are available.

On behalf of the EAACI Adolescent and Young Adult Taskforce, we would like to thank you in advance for your support!

Please find below our survey link.

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