We are pleased to announce that thanks to the efforts of the Polish Society of Allergology, the MASK-air application has been certified by the Ministry of Health and is included in the Health Application Portfolio (PAZ).

This is the second application of this type in this project, and at the same time the first in the field of allergology.

MASK-air is an application intended for people who suffer from allergic rhinitis or asthma and was developed by a team of experts led by prof. J. Bousquet. It is available in Polish and allows for systematic recording of all symptoms. The data collected in the application is useful not only for the patient, but also for the doctor, who can use it to control the effectiveness of the therapy and the drugs used. This is a step forward towards digitization and individualization of the treatment process.

The MASK-air application is used all over the world by thousands of patients and doctors, which also provides great opportunities to analyze allergic diseases and the effectiveness of their treatment in different countries.

We encourage patients and medical staff to download it and use it. https://www.mask-air.com/

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